Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's Good to be home.

It has been awesome to be back in the Bay Area.  Back Home.  I never would have realized how close I feel to this area, had we not taken the jump to move home to Ohio for two years.  I'm very involved in my community,  my friends here, and I really have a tight nit group of "family" that I adore.  People who truly know me and love me exactly as I am.  People who have walked through many stages of life with the kids, Tom and I.  Tom has so many friends and a great group of people he plays hockey with.  He spared no time getting back on the ice.  Its been a week and he's already played two games.  We had our first Sunday tradition of the ice rink, Gabe's first time ice skating.  He seemed to enjoy it mostly. I did a lot of bribbing with candy (I know, bad mom).  I've gotten a lot of the house unpacked, thanks to my amazing friend LG.  I worked on the outside this morning, trimming back our boisenberry bush and cleaning up boxes.  I fear one day I might have an aversion to cardboard and bubble wrap.  :-D  The kids and I went on a wonderful Bike ride around the neighborhood.  We rode over to our friend LG's and kidnapped them for Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins. It was our first ride of the summer.  Next thing on my list of  To Do's is to find a bike shop that will adjust my gears.  I messed them up on this ride.  Gabe is currently zonked out and the kids have their friends over playing nerf guns and playstation.  Its been a good day.

Heading out on a ride

A beautiful bike trail through the neighborhood. 

C and Z playing PS3. Friends for life. 

Gabby. She loved looking cute on the bike, but whined about the ride. We need to toughen her up. 

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I've got a great mobile bike guy, he'll come to your place and do adjustments/tune ups. I tried emailing you about something else, but haven't heard back, I don't know if I have your right email addy. :P
