Wednesday, May 01, 2013

A day of Superior Fine Arts

C participated again this year in WCCS's fine arts program. She took a math exam, played a flute duet, sang in two chorale groups and played with the Junior High Band. This year the band received first place. I was so proud of them. They sounded amazing. C got a superior rating in Math, flute, and one of the chorale groups. I had the opportunity to listen to several of the kids playing solos this year. The one that amazed me the most was the young man who played violin. By the time he finished I had goosebumps and tears in my eyes. I immediately wanted to rush out and buy a violin. Why? I dunno! It was just that beautiful. C, has expressed interest in violin, something well consider once we are back in California. She is very talented in music. I hope it's something she will pursue the rest of her life.

1 comment:

brandi mincey said...

She looks so grown up! So pretty :)

If she wants to learn violin, start now! Violin is a hard one to learn, so the younger the better. If you need recommendations for teachers, let me know! :)