Wednesday, May 15, 2013

16 Days and Counting...feeling the pressure to pack!

Since surviving the whirlwind trip that was Washington DC (I'll post pics on that later) I have been in a packing frenzy.   Yesterday I packed 12 boxes while multitasking dinner and homework.  Thank God Gabby Came over to wrangle the toddler.  But I have to say I am feeling the pinch of time with packing.  I'm really making great progress, but it still feels like I will never finish.  Several of our neighbors were nice enough to offer helping us pack up the shipping container we are using to "mail" our things back to California. You'd think I would be an expert by now, but alas I'm not.  I get better each time we move, however I would never want to own a moving company!  Everything is going so smoothly with the transition.  We sold our house in three days, Our barn in a week, and the 5 acres we have; we are waiting on two offers; We sold all of are large high ticket items except the Durango and someone is coming tomorrow to look at that.  God really is paving the way for this move.  He wanted us here for many different reasons and regardless of the struggle it has been, I can take away many life lessons from the experience.  First and foremost, family doesn't have to be blood;  We were very fortunate living in California, so many experiences, so much to do;  how to deal with old baggage, How garbage from your past always affects the way you perceive and react to things in the present and future.  So God's purpose in our moving to Ohio was not a waste.  God uses all things for his glory because he loves us.  He is always working in us to refine us and to make us better, all we have to do is listen.  He knows what is best!  I feel pretty darn special to have a heavenly father that looks out for me and loves me THAT much.

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