Monday, May 20, 2013

We are down to the wire....

11 More days and we are headed back to the Sunny side of the US.  Today I realized that we only have one more Sunday here.  My sweet friend came over today to pick up a few things we were giving her and she realized it to.  She left pretty quick, I know it was because she didn't want me to see her cry.  She and her husband have been like parents to me since moving here.  I love them dearly and I am going to miss them so much.   Facetime is going to be a godsend when we leave.  I will be calling her every single day!  She will be sick of me!  Getting away from here will be very good for our family.  Its been rough the last year and nine months.  I've had to try to keep my trap shut through a lot of negative gossip and mean spirited talk.  Like my Adopted mother says, "anyone who truly knows you, will know the truth".  I like that.  I repeat it to myself a lot.  Tom found this song the other day, he had heard it for the first time.  He downloaded it and wanted me to listen to it.

I was talking to someone the other day about the culture here.  I grew up here and I still don't understand it.  They said the same thing.  The culture here is a lot of backstabbing, gossiping, jealousy, trying to afford what you can't afford,  mean to those that they are intimidated by,  Wants before needs.  Family values are sinking incredible.  I don't remember it being like this when I was young.  Men that were born and raised here are having babies wanting to get married and still have the life they had before.  They come and go when they want, leave their wives or SO's home with the kids and expect the moms to pick up all the slack while they are out having a good time.  The amount of people that I know or know through someone else on drugs is insane.  The amount of Detroit gang bangers is on the rise.  Its crazy how I can pick them out  without much thought.  I'm hyper aware having lived in Cali for so long, not to hard to spot a gangster.  I'm not talking about the Cool, rapping, with the awesome clothes gangster, I'm talking one who will shoot you first ask questions later kind of gangster.   However here, you never know who's packing a conceal carry, so that doesn't happen much.   I'm excited to see my friends, but sad to leave the ones I have here.  Especially the ones that really mean a lot to me.  

I've learned so much from this experience.  Something that will continue to build me as a person.   Here is one of the songs I listen to often when I'm feeling pretty well beat down.  Great reminder.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so so true! It is ridiculous!