Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Caitlin's Progress

So for the longest time, when I first decided to homeschool, I couldn't figure out what curriculum to use. There are so many out there and so many resources it was a tough decision to make. But when Caitlin was three I looked through some curriculum books at Barnes and Noble and found a beginning cutting and tracing book from KUMON Caitlin loved it and flew through the books like there was no tomorrow. She wasn't bored and she was always excited about doing *school* After finishiing the cutting and tracing books, we moved on to other books such as, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers 1-30 and the pasting book. She loves them all and is almost finished with all of them. She's started kindergarden Math and Kindergarden reading. She read her first beginner book yesterday to her dad. She was so excited. We use Hooked on Phonics and its really an amazing curriculum. Caitlin has really taken off and is really excited about using the software and placing stickers on the word families shes learned. She's really loving school and is always excited about doing. Which gives me the encouragement I need to remember the choice we made to homeschool was a great one. :)

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