Thursday, November 17, 2005

Creative and very funny Byrne Clan

These are letter excerpts from out gift email forum for our family:


To whom it may concern,

Trish has requested that I post the following items for her gift list.

11. Beef Jerky
That will be all.

On behalf of my lovely fiancé' this message has been brought to you by
your federal tax dollars (except for Tom and Kelly, there money is
going to bombs and other important things) as I am taking time out of work
to do this.

PS: A snoopy snow cone machine would also be appreciated.

Oh no! A snoopy snow cone machine! Rob- last Christmas was the one
for fulfilling longings from repressed childhoods when Tom finally
got Kelly her Easy-Bake oven! To my knowledge, Trish never asked for a snoopy snow cone
machine -(actually, we had one in Tillsonburg) .....could it be that
this was one of your own hidden desires?

More to the sno-cone machine than meets the eye.

Hash brownies? They are on my list to make for the Christmas bake
exchange! Please send me the recipe Kelly. I'll see if there are any
ingredients in the playhouse! O Rob....... you never suspected that
we would see through your goody-two-shoes RCMP cover, did you! Come
clean! There's still time!


People wonder why I've wanted one of those easy bakes
all along :) it looks very innocent from the outside

Rob, don't listen to these guys! I have to wonder if it's actually mom writing these emails; crystal meth and hash brownies?! Mom? Mom is that you?
I mean, we all know about Kelly's habit...*cough* excuse me...habitS, but mom you raised us to be good people - jeez! what does this say to Rob.
I hope you are ashamed of yourselves!!!

Love Mim
Ps: I also would like a new Bong for Christmas. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Can I be adopted? You guys are funny :)


Kelly said...

LOL Sure, thats the thing about the byrne family they always have room for more :)