Monday, October 24, 2005

Husband playing hockey F.O.X.

My friend Jeana and I (yes I'm telling on us) when we were young, single, hot, and could browse the inventory; use to spell out F.....O.....X about a certain male attendee at our church. Of course we've both grown up and we see how girlish and immature it was, but hey we had to have a release. Its hard to be a small church with ONE and only hot guy in it. :) hehehe jk. anyway so I have started using this phrase to describe my hunka hunka byrne'n love husband. I went to his hockey game last night and I actually got to watch most of it, having brought my two children with me and plenty of things to keep them occupied. I decided to bring out my trust dusty little camera. Well ok so its not so little, and I have like 4 lenses. *BIG GRIN* Here are some pics from that game.

mmmhmmmm gotta love it.... FOX like I said :)


I'm a sucker for a man (my husband) in hockey gear :)

1 comment:

Jon Reid said...

"Browse the inventory"... heh