Saturday, June 04, 2005

Back In Action

Ok so we made it back to the bay area safe with my sanity (whatever is left) still intact. I just can't believe how fast my trip flew by. Its great to get away from here once in awhile, but the feeling you get when you walk into your house for the first time after being away is awesome. I do get pretty lonely here with Tom working all day and it being just me and the kids. I was kinda emotional on thursday, being my first full day back. I went from having all kinds of company to no one around at all, and it was quite a shock. I spent the afternoon/evening running around so I wouldn't feel so lonely. We went to Liz's house and I begged her for an hour not to go to Newport Beach. I just got back and I missed her and then she goes off and leaves me. Its ok tho, she has some things to take care of. I hope she knows its just cause I miss her hehehe. Hopefully she didn't feel guilty just loved. :)

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