Monday, May 09, 2005

Stepping Down

So I stepped down from my leadership position at church in the nursery and 2's and 3's. I sent a short email out to our pastors explaining that I need to stop for my own sanity and the well-being of my family. I'm feeling so overwhelmed in so many areas of my life. And this is an area I feel in which I can't screw up. The kids in our ministry are so important to me and in some ways I dont even feel adequate enough to teach them. Of course they deserve so much more than me as the person that leads them, and I need to realize that the only person who can lead them better than me is Jesus(ok i'm not saying the only best person to do it, but I'm the only person interested enough with a passion who wants to, clear things up a bit??). And lets be honest, I will never be jesus :) All kidding aside tho, now is the time when the enemy kind of gets in there and brings out your most fearful fears and your deepest secrets and uses them so that he can beat you down for the betterment of him. For his own selfish satisfaction. And I know that that is going on. I feel tired pretty much constantly and of course thats not all related to childrens ministry. Its more related to life in general. My daughter is going through so many things right now, whether its just typical 4 year old development or if its something more we dont know. But its stressful (stay tuned for future blogs on this). And my grandmother, God bless her is DRIVING ME BERSERK. There are so many things going on with her, health, financial, mental. All this wrapped up into one is making it so difficult to function everyday. I constantly get these hysteric calls from her, angry frustrated calls from my mom, and then dealing with APS trying to get them resolved. Its taking its toll (stay tuned for more blogging on this). Then theres me. Who has time to take care of onesself?? I surely have never taken the time. I've only ever spent time on pleasing others or taking care of others. <--- horrible people pleaser. So multiplied by all those children's ministry things that are going nutty, I kinda feel like a break is in order. At least for the mean time. And maybe I can come back from Ohio a little more like me. Or maybe a little less like me :)

1 comment:

Jon Reid said...

I'm sorry to hear that... but Kay and I often quote the airline-safety instruction, "Put your own mask on first."