You know the things you teach your kids are sinking in when.............
the police show up at your house because your daughter is practicing her 911 skills. I found the phone off the hook and didn't think anything of it and just hung it up. My friend shannon calls at the same time I get a knock on the door. There standing in front of me is a San jose police officer. I'm completelly speechless. And his first words to me are your on the phone. And all I could say was uh huh. And he proceeded to tell me someone called 911 and they couldn't get in touch with us again to confirm an emergency (probably because the phone was off the hook). I knew immediately it had been my daughter. The guilty party. She was playing in a laundry basket with a blanket and just sunk down inside to avoid our stares. I think it scared her a little bit which is good and he gave her a good explaining when to call 911 and when not too. I of course was mixed with embarrassment and pride. I feel safe knowing my daughter can call for help when she needs I just need to get her to understand the emergency part.

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